Vlastnosti karbidu křemíku

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an extremely durable material with an extremely hard Mohs scale hardness rating of 9 and an aesthetic appeal that rivals that of diamond.

EAG Laboratories has extensive experience analyzing SiC for these properties using bulk and spatially resolved analytic techniques. It can serve both as an electrical insulator and semiconductor.


Silicon carbide is one of the world’s hardest substances, ranking ninth on Mohs scale and second only to diamond in terms of hardness. Boron carbide and diamond are even harder than silicon carbide – other uses for it include cutting tools, bulletproof vests, automobile parts and mirrors for astronomical telescopes. Silicon carbide’s hard and strong surface is great for use as cutting abrasives and cutting tools, structural materials (bulletproof vests), automobile parts and mirrors used by telescopes!

Thermal shock resistant ceramic is an extremely hard, non-oxide ceramic. Due to its strength, high thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion rate and excellent resistance against oxidation; this makes it an indispensable refractory material.

Silicon carbide (atomic number 14) and carbon (atomic number 6) form an inorganic compound known as silicon carbide, with two primary coordination tetrahedra formed of covalently bound four carbon and four silicon atoms covalently bonded together, creating an exceptionally strong and rigid close-packed structure with superior strength and rigidity; its polytypes may even stack to form polytypes. Silicon carbide provides wide band gap semiconductor properties requiring three times less energy to free electrons from orbital states compared with silicon.

Odolnost proti korozi

Silicon carbide’s most important property is its resistance to corrosion. Not only is it resistant to the most aggressive acids (hydrochloric, sulfuric and hydrofluoric), bases and solvents imaginable – as well as oxidizing media such as nitric acid or steam – it even boasts excellent insulation properties against damage by extreme temperatures or electrical fields.

Sintered silicon carbide offers excellent thermal resistance due to its dense nature, hardness, wide bandgap semiconductor characteristics allowing lower electron energy consumption for conduction band shift, and its low coefficient of thermal expansion.

Corrosion resistance can also be enhanced through the presence of sintering additives, grain boundary phases and porosity; their type and amount depends on how quickly corrosion reacts with other environments.

Silicon carbide oxidation states can be controlled through carbon’s act as a passivating agent, helping reduce corrosion rates and extend product lifespan when exposed to in-service oxidizing environments.

Tepelná vodivost

Silicon carbide is an extremely hard material, sitting somewhere between alumina (9 on the Mohs scale) and diamond (10). Due to its combination of hardness and thermal stability, silicon carbide makes an excellent material choice for demanding mechanical applications in parts designed to withstand wear-resistant materials as well as refractories.

Also, due to its excellent resistance to thermal shock and its low thermal expansion rate, silicone rubber is well suited for use in high-temperature environments and components used in pipe systems.

Silicon Carbide can be doped with various elements to alter its electronic properties. Doping it with nitrogen or phosphorous will transform it into an n-type semiconductor while doping with beryllium, boron, or aluminum will transform it into a p-type semiconductor.

Silicon carbide’s bandgap difference between its valence and conduction bands makes it harder for electrons to switch between the two bands, enabling it to withstand up to 10x more electric fields before becoming fragile and breaking down than silicone can.

Electrical Conductivity

Silicon carbide offers a range of electrical properties that can be tailored by doping. Doping involves adding impurities into its crystal structure in order to form free electrons and holes that conduct electricity, giving SiC conductivity values ten times greater than silicon.

Silicon carbide’s electrical properties are determined largely by its band-gap. This difference between energy levels of an atom’s valence band and conduction band determines how much electric field it can withstand; silicon carbide boasts a wider band-gap than its silicon counterpart, allowing it to tolerate almost twice as much voltage.

High voltage resistance makes neodymium ideal for use in electric vehicle power devices, providing longer driving distances and increased battery management efficiency. Furthermore, its lighter weight compared to alternatives such as gallium nitride allows power electronics manufacturers to reduce size and weight significantly while withstanding high temperatures with minimal thermal expansion coefficient.

Vlastnosti karbidu křemíku

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